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01 February 2010


Diseases of the Tongue according to Ayurveda:

According to ayurveda the diseases of the tongue have been included in the mouth. There are six types of tongue diseases according to Ayurveda.

  1. Vataj
  2. Pittaj
  3. Kaphaj
  4. Alas
  5. Adhijeebh
  6. Upjeebh

Main symptoms:

  • In the vataj type, the tongue cracks, which does not give any type of taste. The tongue becomes rough like the vegetable leaf.
  • In the second type the tongue becomes yellow in color with burning sensation. Reddish colored spikes appear on the tongue.
  • In the third type the tongue becomes heavy and fleshy spikes appear on it.
  • In the fourth type the disease is caused due to the doshas of kapha and blood. There is severe swelling under the tongue and when the disease increases then pus is formed in the base of the tongue and blocked. That means the tongue does not move nor rotates. When the patient tries to rotate it severe pain is experienced.
  • In another type of tongue problem caused due to blood and kapha there is swelling on the upper side of the tongue, it rips and becomes somewhat incurable.
  • In the sixth type of mouth ulcer the tongue bends and gets swollen due the dosha of kapha and blood. A lot of saliva is formed in the mouth with itching and burning sensation. The patient does not have the taste of anything.

If we look at the causes along with the symptoms we can know that this disease is caused due to wrong eating habits. Worms are created in the stomach, which aggravate the disease. The cause for mouth ulcers and diseases of the tongue are similar. According to western scientists, this disease is caused due to hookworm. If this worm is removed with the help of some medicine then the disease of the tongue can be cured easily.

In case of chronic disorder of the bowels the children tend to get diseases of the tongue. If the bowel disorder is cured, the tongue disease gets cured on its own. In the case of Erithima migrans disease the tongue bends. There are reddish spots formed on the upper layer of the tongue, which keep on changing places. These types of spots are also seen in a few types of fever. The spikes in the tongue have a darkish tan and appear to be black in color. Those who use Hukka normally have black tongue but they do not have any disease and hence do not require any medication. In the disease called microglacia the tongue becomes thick and is a hereditary problem. It also does not require any treatment. Such children should be given thyroid tablets so that the thickness of the tongue reduces to some extent. In some children the tongue protrudes out and they have the habit to rotate it, this also makes their tongue thick.

Tongue related problems also arise due to fever caused due to tridoshas. The tongue becomes rough and contains spikes but its cure depends on the basic diseases. If the fever is not cured then the tongue related disease also doe not get cured. In some cases the chin becomes small and the tongue becomes thick.

In this case the tongue can move towards the respiratory pipe and block its path. At this stage surgery proves to be helpful. Children who have a long tongue, find difficulty while drinking milk. They should be faced upside down and made to drink milk this way. The child is able to drink milk easily like this.

Remedies for Tongue Diseases:

  • In case of disease caused due to vata dosha, shilvana lep proves to be beneficial.
  • In case of pitta-generated disease where spikes appear on the tongue, rub them with rough things like cabbage leaves, etc., and then remove the blood, rinse the mouth with lemon water.
  • In the case of disease generated due to kapha, apply pilyadigana churna with honey after removing the blood.
  • When thorns appear on the tongue, grind rapeseeds and rock salt and apply it on the tongue, also drink the juice of sespedula leaves, neem bark, brinjal and Yavakshar.
  • Mix mankind bhasma, rock salt and rapeseed oil and rub on the tongue.
  • Add thuhar milk with some acidic things like lemon, etc., and rub it on the tongue.
  • In case of thickness of the tongue, do lekhan procedure and pratisarana with acidic substance, and then do shirovechan, gandoop dharan and nasya etc.
  • Mix dry ginger, black pepper, pippali, yavakshar, harad and chitrak root powder and rub it on the tongue or rub the oil extracted from these things to cure this disease.
  • Rub the Biroja, ral, guggul, and devdaru and moolhati churna on the tongue if the disease is generated due to vata dosha.
  • Rub sweet substances if it is due to pitta dosha. Remove the polluted blood and do gandoop with sweet substances.
  • Pippali churna is beneficial in case of tongue disease caused due to kapha dosha. Mix honey in this powder and drink it, mix rapeseed and rock salt in hot water and rinse the mouth with this water.
  • Grind the makhanas and sprinkle the powder on the tongue.
  • Mix bhimseni camphor and sugar candy and sprinkle on the tongue or mix boric acid in glycerin and apply it on the tongue. If boric acid is not available, grind suhaga and apply it on the tongue with honey
FYI, Above Details are collected from Web.

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